Dan O'Donnell

Dan O'Donnell

Common Sense Central is edited by WISN's Dan O'Donnell. Dan provides unique conservative commentary and analysis of stories that the mainstream media...Full Bio

A Bizarre Friday & Congressman Byron Donalds

Introducing State Senator Chris Larceny

Democrat Wisconsin Senator Chris Larson delivers a vile anti-cop screed on the Senate floor, so Dan uses the occasion to remind listeners of Larson's own long history of dealings with law enforcement, earning the esteemed Senator a brand new nickname.

The Ballad of Lucinda Reer

Dan wonders while an extremely relevant detail has been left out of all mainstream media reporting on a drag queen cupcake story hour in Menomonee Falls. Plus, a tremendous opportunity to get involved in politics and get out the vote in your own neighborhood.

Ballot Drop Boxes are and Have Always Been Illegal

The liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court appears poised to reinstate ballot drop boxes, but there is absolutely no statutory justification for them. In other words, the Supreme Court wants to again simply ignore state law.

Democrats Have a Major Problem with a Core Constituency

A new round of polling reveals that President Biden is losing serious ground among black voters. Dan breaks down the numbers and also debunks once and for all the modern-day blood libel that Israel is "committing genocide" in Gaza.

The Ascension Hack, New Inflation Data, and How Bizarre

Dan discusses the hack at Ascension and shares new data on the extent to which Bidenflation is devastating the average American family. Plus, "How Bizarre!"

Milwaukee and Madison Reject Hundreds of Republican Poll Workers

Dan provides exclusive new details about a GOP complaint against Milwaukee and Madison, which have both refused to allow Republican poll workers to work elections. Plus, the Rock Sports Complex finally pays its taxes...but only after the City of Franklin votes to sue.

The Rock, The Museum, and The President in Racine

Dan breaks new information on Franklin's ongoing battle to force The Rock to pay its delinquent taxes. Plus, taxpayers will absolutely be paying for almost all of the new Milwaukee Public Museum and Congressman Bryan Steil discusses President Biden's visit to his district.

Will Franklin Allow The Rock to Duck its Million-Dollar Tax Bill?

Dan breaks a big exclusive story: The Rock Sports Complex owes the City of Franklin approximately $1 million and is thus barred from holding special events. Will the city's common council ignore its own ordinances and cave to The Rock yet again?

MPS' Bureaucratic Bloat is Absolutely Shocking

Milwaukee Public Schools is cutting 149 teacher positions while continuing to employ hundreds and hundreds of unnecessary bureaucrats--including a "climate justice coach!" Plus, the latest on a simmering controversy at the Rock in Franklin.